Thanksgiving is upon us and while the markets always seem to keep us on our toes, there’s no better time to pause and appreciate the good stuff. Between inflation that’s simmering like the perfect gravy, a labor market that’s holding together better your Grandma’s famous stuffing and corporate earnings sweeter than your Mom's pumpkin pie - I’m reminded of how grateful I am for all of you.
As Sutro Advisors enters it's 6th year - I want to give thanks to all of you, who (through all the twists and turns) have helped make this journey possible. So, thank you all!!
I'll be back with an extended Broadcast in December where I'll dive into how the stock market and economy remind me of a certain San Francisco landmark. Care to guess the local place of interest? I'll give you a hint: it's not the Sutro Tower (that'd be too easy.) To entice you, I'll send out some Sutro swag to anyone who guesses correctly. (Oh and there is an actual clue in one of the paragraphs above - good luck!)
Until next time, please have a very, very Happy Thanksgiving!
Take good care,